
Science and Reason Booth
Thoughts Possibly Worth Sharing 
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The Free Congregation of Sauk County
Nick is active in the Free Congregation of Sauk County, a freethought society without creeds or ministers which was founded in 1852 as a Freie Gemeinde by 19th-century German immigrants, and is still meeting in the historic Park Hall built in 1884.
In 2022 the congregation joined the International Association for Religious Freedom, and Nick attended its 36th Congress in Romania in 2023.

The Atheist Table
For two years - 2022 and 2023 - Nick coordinated a table at the Dane County Farmers Market with material for national organizations such as The American Humanist Association, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the Secular Student Alliance, and American Atheists, as well as local Unitarian churches and humanist, freethought and skeptics groups.